In Search Of Heroes Interview Of Jennie Armato Internet Marketing Guru Was Astounding

Ralph Zuranski: Hi! This is Ralph Zuranski. I have the opportunity to do a Hero’s interview on Jennie Armato. She’s one of the leaders in Internet Marketing and she comes from way down south in Australia. I can’t tell you how much I was impressed by her presentation at the Wonder Women of the Web Seminar.

Ralph Zuranski: How are you doing today, Jennie?

Jennie Armato: “Thanks so much Ralph, it’s great to be here in L.A. with you at the Wonder Women of the Web Conference.

Ralph Zuranski: Jennie can you tell me a little bit about your business and how you can help people be successful?

Jennie Armato: “Sure!  What we do is we help people either get started with a new business on the Internet or we help them take their existing business and give it a makeover, give it an upgrade, so that people can start to get the sort of results that they want out of using the power of the Internet.”

Ralph Zuranski: That’s great! I wanted to ask you some of the Hero’s questions and the first one is: What do you want out of life in ten words or less?

Jennie Armato: “Wow, that could take like ten weeks to answer. In ten words or less I think what I want out of life is a sense of wellness and well being for myself and my family and for the people that are around me.”

Ralph Zuranski: What is the dream or vision that sets the course of your life?

Jennie Armato: “A vision that I have that certainly sets the course of my professional life is what I do helping people is to see more people really get to where it is that they want to get to. And that may not be where they think they want to get to. A lot of people I work with think that wealth is the measure of just money and they are in the pursuit of money.”

Jennie Armato: “Sometimes they don’t realize that where they really want to get to is somewhere more than that, not different but inclusive of that but more than that to a position of happiness and having financial independence helps with happiness a lot. But it’s not the whole equation. So I think my vision is to have people experience the true richness and wealth of life that money is only one element of.”

Ralph Zuranski: How important is it to stay focused on your primary goal?

Jennie Armato: “I think it is absolutely essential. Focus is the first and the most important element of knowing where you are going to go. I mean, you can’t get in the car and say, “I’m going to go to New York unless you are very clear about that’s where you are going. Now you might be driving across the country to get there and there are lots and lots of things that are going to happen on the way but unless you know that’s your final destination and you focus on that, how the heck do you expect to get there?”

Ralph Zuranski: Do you follow your hunches and intuition?

Jennie Armato: “This is such a great subject. Because I’ve been in business for many years and I now am over 40 so I’ve lived a lot of years in adult life and I’ve only in the last few years have really understood that it is totally ok and in fact it’s not acceptable now to not follow my intuition.”

Jennie Armato: “So everything I do I let my heart tell me if it feels right or not. And I didn’t do that for some time particularity in the darker times in my business where I’ve  been in trouble I tended to act in ways that aren’t true to who I am and doesn’t really resonate with what I’m meant to be.”

Jennie Armato: “I can always look back 100% of the time and say, I knew intuitively that wasn’t the right thing to do. So today there is not a thing that I do without feeling congruent in myself that what I’m doing feels right. And intuition is skill that we all have and I believe that we forget about it and forget to use it.”

Jennie Armato: “I did it myself and I had to remind myself so now it’s in my subconscious but I had to go through a conscious realization about my intuition to accept it and let it be ok. It was almost like letting go of a fear. You know, “what if I’m wrong?” And once I let go of that idea if it was wrong then it would be ok. A whole new level in myself opened up again. I think everyone has that, that you don’t know necessarily that it’s ok to trust it.”

Ralph Zuranski: What specific philosophy or philosophies guide your life and decisions?

Jennie Armato: “The philosophies that guide my life really come back to what you were asking at the beginning about what my life really means to me. I think the philosophies of wellness and well being and effecting people in the principle we talked about, effecting people in ways that have value.”

Jennie Armato: “On a conscious and practical level that’s how I’ve interpreted what you asked. In my professional life I look to do things that add value to other people as well as obviously add value to me in my personal life. I think that if we look at moment we’re in and recognize and know that we are in a moment and to value that and make the most of it.”

Jennie Armato: “Treat what happened yesterday with the value of—that was yesterday and what was good about it. Also to look forward to tomorrow and let things be what they are and don’t try and change what’s naturally going to come and go through your life. I think that’s our philosophy is to—just be.”

Ralph Zuranski: What is your perspective on goodness, ethics and moral behavior?

Jennie Armato: “Is there another perspective? My perspective on that is how much easier life can be when you have those intentions versus when you forget those intentions, how much of a struggle life can be.”

Ralph Zuranski: What place does the power of prayer have in your life?

Jennie Armato: “For me prayer means meditation and reflection and I have a sense of a God. I think God is within us and so meditation and reflection to me is essential on a daily basis. It may only be 5 minutes at the end of day when you are lying in bed. The key is to try to remember to do it, despite what is going on in our lives and how we might feel at the time. I think it’s really important and it’s valuable for you and it allows you to recognize what’s going on.”

Ralph Zuranski: What principles are you willing to sacrifice your life for?

“Wow that’s a powerful question. I think the principles that go back to what I was talking about, wellness, well-being and happiness—the principle of valuing your family, I would give my life for without hesitation. When I say family I don’t necessarily mean blood relatives and they are not all blood relatives that I’d necessarily give my life for, to be perfectly honest…laughter… But it does not have to be blood relation but there are people that I would.”

Jennie Armato: “Are there causes? I don’t know and I think I’d have to say that I’ve never thought that I would but something might come up that I would give my life for. I’d certainly give my life for my loved ones and that’s who I mean by family if it meant that I could save them if I felt that I could. If I was asked to give a kidney or something and there was a chance that I would die for my husband, I would do it. That’s probably the easiest way I can answer that.”

Ralph Zuranski: Are your actions and goals consistent with your beliefs?

“Okay. Not all the time. I’ve got two conflicting thoughts to answer that. I think I regularly visit my belief system to try and always remain congruent with what I’m aspiring to always representing my life. But I step out of my comfort zones a lot. So sometimes I go down a new avenue that I might not be familiar with. I think they have to be in my belief system otherwise there might be checkpoint there that might say—wait a minute—you don’t believe in that.”

Jennie Armato: “That’s a hard one to answer. To be honest I’d be keen to know what other people have said to that. I step out on limbs and I take risks and whether or not that challenges the boundaries of my belief system I’d actually have to think about that. Maybe it does. I hope it doesn’t.”

Ralph Zuranski: Is it valuable to have highly charged emotions about achieving your goals?

Jennie Armato: “For me it has been, for the big ones, the one’s that matter a lot. I think when you talk about emotions again it’s how are they going to affect you and how they are going to affect the people around you. When I get emotional about things in a negative way it’s of no value to anybody but admittedly I crack over things and they tend to be the smaller things, which seems kind of silly when you think about it.”

Jennie Armato: “The bigger things, the things that really, really matter a lot, the ones that will have major consequences tend to be the ones that I’m not so emotional about. That’s kind of interesting. I think when you just react without thinking, I don’t find those emotions valuable even if you are in pursuit of your goals.”

Jennie Armato: “So it’s about feeling and it goes back to what you said about intuition. You do need to feel your way through life. Not just be there but feel it. Be aware that are emotions that we all commit and I myself just did it last week trying to get things ready for here, you know, letting off steam to people that were around me, which really is no value to anybody.”

Jennie Armato: “There was much more value in me saying how much I appreciate what they were doing and thanking them very much and sending them a note when I landed here in LA. So my goals around coming over here are big and they mean a lot. I am emotional about what I can do by being a part of this.”

Jennie Armato: “Those emotions were valuable. But the ones that were how I treated people before I left …although in pursuit of the same goal…was worthless to everybody and they don’t even make you feel good which is kind of –when you think about it –is how ridiculous it is. But I’m not perfect. I don’t think anyone listening to this would say they are, right?”

Ralph Zuranski: Is it useful to take a positive view of setbacks, misfortunes and mistakes? I know you went through some misfortunes and made some big mistakes that really almost bankrupted you.

Jennie Armato: “Look, without the right mindset I wouldn’t have gotten through that. That’s not to say that things happen and you just go, you know what it’s all going to be ok and I’m positive and all that. That’s not like that at all. I went through some really dark days.”

Jennie Armato: “I am sure that clinically I would have been diagnosed as suffering from depression. It took a while to dig out of that but I think the key was even though I didn’t feel like being positive—it was like, “don’t bring me that positive crap.” You know that’s how I felt to be honest. But what I did do despite what was happening to me was that I kept on moving.”

Jennie Armato: “I was not going to let the circumstances be bigger than me. So perhaps that was the positive in us. Obviously you start to see a way out you become a bit more positive. That’s like the smallest little thing that happens you’ve  got to grab on to it. The smallest thing with both hands is not to suffocate it but that doesn’t come easy.”

Jennie Armato: “If someone’s listening to this, at a point where they feel that maybe they are in one of their darkest point or moments in their life, to know that, that’s quite normal. It’s also quite normal to not feel positive and upbeat and energetic. In quite the reverse you feel like you are quite drained and depleted. But just keep going forward because most of it might seem dark you see one little glimmer of  light and you just keep moving forward and you come out of that moment and you look back and go, “I’m never going to go there again.”

Jennie Armato: Right? Because that really sucks like that! So yes it’s important to be positive but if you don’t feel that right now that’s ok. Just know that you will and you can if you keep going forward. Don’t stop.”

Ralph Zuranski: Is optimism valuable?

Jennie Armato: “Yes. Is there an argument to say it’s not valuable? Of course optimism on it’s own, that’s a slightly different emphasis that it’s not valuable to anybody and being skeptical or negative by the way either, again it’s all going to be appropriate. It was what we were talking about with emotions before if it’s an inappropriate emotion it’s of no value to anybody.”

Jennie Armato: “Optimism can be of no value to you if it’s not in a concept. Right? But do you need it? To me I couldn’t live without it. And sometimes when things feel like they are falling apart, if nothing else I can say, “You know what? I’m going to be optimistic about this. I’m going to look for something good in it.” Maybe that’s psychotic, I don’t know, but I know it gets me through.”

Ralph Zuranski: Do you maintain your sense of humor in the face of serious problems?

“Again, in the moment you may not feel like it’s very funny and sometimes other people can laugh at your adversity. And that actually affects you negatively at the time, but, can I laugh at myself?”

Jennie Armato: “Most definitely. When you can get in a space where you can do that, irrespective of what happens, that’s happiness. Because it’s like, “Oh well, you know, so what I’m a goof or I am not the best speaker or I’m not the best whatever it might be. And yeah, you know I think I’m ok with that.”

Ralph Zuranski: Do you take time out of your day to feed your subconscious positive thoughts about you, your goals and dreams?

Jennie Armato: “Yes, this comes back to the prayer thing and the meditation and reflection. I think it’s really important on a daily basis to just check off that what you did today was moving you towards that longer term goal that you have and not just getting through the day.”

Jennie Armato: “If you are in a space right now where you feel like you are only just getting through the day, the first thing to do is to start thinking about what those goals are and looking to how you can spend some time each day, again, even if it’s only five minutes, just thinking about them.”

Jennie Armato: “And as you do that, what happens is you start to see ways to take action for them. But unless you put those thoughts into the mix it’s almost like not opening the fridge and expecting to be fed, right. You must go to the fridge and open it up and look inside, and so to it with your goals, it’s all is what goes on in your mind. If you can see it and experience it physically, great—but you need to visit that place as regularly as possible.”

Ralph Zuranski: Do you have the courage to pursue new ideas?

Jennie Armato: “Yes, definitely. Courage to me is the opposing attitude to fear. As humans as I see it, unless we are willing to challenge our fears, they will always own us. So it takes courage to do that doesn’t mean big things. It’s not a Super-Hero thing courage.”

Jennie Armato: “It’s willingness, that’s how I see courage. So yeah I think it’s, again, that’s something we have naturally built in within us. If we are not exercising it though, we can not let it out. You don’t have to try to conquer your biggest fear bur just let courage build up gradually. Eventually fear doesn’t even come in the equation anymore.”

Ralph Zuranski: Were you willing to experience discomfort in the pursuit of your dream?

“Yes it all comes back to how much you want them. Your talking about dreams, your talking about something that is part of your ideal in your life. So if you are not prepared to have to make a few little shifts then it’s like saying you want the perfectly aligned spine but you are not prepared to go through the spinal manipulation in order to get that perfect alignment. So I can’t see how one can happen without the other.”

Ralph Zuranski: Is it beneficial to make decisions quickly?

“Yes, and again it comes back to your intuitive self. For me I like to ponder my decisions after I’ve made them and think through, because you can always change your mind. You can always change your mind. But the ability to be able to respond at the time that something presents and not fear the consequences that even if it means going back and saying, “I’m not going to do that anymore. To me it’s really critical.”

“Yes, I try to trust my intuition so much now. But if you had asked me that question a couple of years ago, on a lot of these questions, my answer would have been quite different. So I think it depends on where you are at in your involvement or in  your own mind. But yes, look, for me it’s a natural thing that we have in us and again you have to just exercise it.”

Ralph Zuranski: Are you slow to revise or reverse an important decision?

Jennie Armato: “I guess sometimes I am and sometimes I’m not. It depends on how big the decision is or how much impact that decision will have on my overall life goals and dreams as personal aspirations. Sometimes I can make a decision and I don’t need to rethink it for sure. Other times I might say, “You know what? I might need a week or two weeks to think about this.”

Jennie Armato: “And other things have taken a year or two years. So I can be slow in some cases. It’s not necessarily relevant to how much of an impact it’s going to have on my life, but I think there is some correlation.”

Ralph Zuranski: How were you able to overcome your doubts and fears?

Jennie Armato: “I still have them by the way. So when I was talking before about courage and fear, it doesn’t mean that fear doesn’t come up because it does. How you overcome them is, again, it’s a willingness and desire. We are really talking about a lot of stuff here to do Napoleon Hill’s principles and laws of success, really.”

Jennie Armato: “We can know what they are and we can apply them in some cases and in others we can’t. Overcoming my fears is something that I’m prepared to do. I think the first step for somebody is to be willing to acknowledge that they have it. I have people that say, “I don’t think I can do this.” I say to them, “Why not?”, and they give me a whole lot of reasons and all I hear is fear, fear, fear.”

Jennie Armato: “When they get to the end of their list I say, “Well what are you willing to do about it?” That brings it into the conscious state. So if I say, “Look, are you willing to learn how to use a search engine and how the search engines work?” If they are willing to learn that we can get you to where you want to go.”

Jennie Armato: “They don’t realize it, but what I’m doing is helping them overcome their fears. So I think bringing the fear into a practical, conscious state, that’s the first step in overcoming it. But they never go away but they just get a little easier to deal with.”

Ralph Zuranski: Do you readily forgive those who upset, offend and oppose you?

Jennie Armato: “Sometimes and sometimes not. It depends on how much they upset me and again how much of an impact of what might have happened is having on what I might have on my personal goals, dreams and aspirations. I think finding forgiveness is really, really important and a healthy thing to do.”

Jennie Armato: “I’ve gone through many years, in particularity my younger adult years where I think I’ve held on to a lot of anger and hurt from people. What I’ve needed to do over time, even if I haven’t been out of connect with them directly.”

Jennie Armato: “I can remember one girlfriend that upset me that I’ve sent a couple of emails to her and she has never responded and that could have affected me but really what matters is that I gave it out and that I could clear that in myself and say, “ Forgive me. I forgive you and I love us both.”

Jennie Armato: “She may eventually write back to me when she feels she can do that at that point. So I try to really and at sometimes I really don’t have to think about it, it’s easy to do even if it’s major. Sometimes my husband and I have points of difference and it’s more often than not it’s something that’s happened that I feel that he’s done in a way that has affected me negatively.”

Jennie Armato: “I need to forgive him quickly and without a second thought. That doesn’t mean that he might have to listen to a little sermon, on “thou shalt”, you know, raise your right hand and repeat after me, “I will not do that again.” Forgiveness of others is a refection of love for yourself, actually.”

Jennie Armato: “So I try to go to that place. Sometimes it doesn’t come easy. It’s about quality of life. Where you can do it, do it and don’t hesitate to do it. When you can’t do it, it’s just that you can’t do it yet. Come back to it later and do it.”

Jennie Armato: “Even it means writing a letter you’ll never send or sending an e-mail that never gets responded to, do it so that you can clear yourself of that hurt. Which is really an anti-love of yourself and it sits in your body chemically and physically, which is a whole other discussion, I know. But those things do stay with you. More things that stay with you that are good the better off your life’s going to be.”

Ralph Zuranski: Do you experience service to others as a source of joy?

Jennie Armato: “Definitely. To see people move toward what is their own personal goals and aspirations and dreams is my only driver. What we do with our business opportunities that we help people with on the Internet” it’s hard work.”

Jennie Armato: “Paul and I could make money easier than what we do in this program but we made the conscious decision that we were going to do this. There are days that I think, and we look at each other and we go, “what did we ever think, what are we doing?”

Jennie Armato: “Let’s wrap this up and go on an island and just sell stuff on the net and forget it.” But you do pass that and I think it’s a joy that you can’t, when you experience that joy it’s like an elixir. You want more of it, so it’s self fulfilling, you want more of it. When you see people achieving things you want to see them achieve more and you want to help other people do the same thing.”

Jennie Armato: “I think anyone that works in this arena that you were talking about with the Hero’s probably would say a similar thing to you. There’s a certain amount that comes from inside but what you get back from people and how you effect their lives enriches your life in a way that’s it’s a wonderful feeling.”

Jennie Armato:” I would miss it when we stop doing this. I’m not sure what we’re going to do to fill the void because it’s a wonderful, wonderful thing to empower people. People want it but hey just don’t know how to get it. If they can hook up with someone like us they can get it.”

Jennie Armato: “When you’ve been a part of that process, wow, that’s a wonderful thing. I’m not sure what the words are. It’s almost one of those things that leaves me speechless. It’s great though and Paul, my husband, and I both feel blessed that we’ve got the opportunity to do that.”

Jennie Armato: “We meet a lot of people that say that they want to help other people but they haven’t been able to help themselves yet, in order, you’ve got to do that first in order to help others. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to do. Yes, I swear by it. So people that are aspiring to do it, stick with it because it’s a wonderful reward.”

Ralph Zuranski: When was the lowest point in your life and how did you change your life path to one of victory over the obstacles you were facing at that time?

Jennie Armato: “Oh my God! Okay I am going to try and keep this brief. I think the lowest point in my life was actually in my teen years. My parents separated and it was a very ugly situation and the family unit disintegrated. I was 14 years old and a young girl. I really had no one to turn to.”

Jennie Armato: “They were very dark days and I had no idea that life could be wonderful. There was just nothing on the horizon that could suggest that. I remember thinking that maybe it would just be easier if I killed myself. I don’t mean to freak anyone out but I think at that age it’s easy to have those sort of thoughts.”

Jennie Armato: “I never thought of a way that I would act on it, by the way. It wasn’t like I was leading to serious suicide or anything. The emotional pain and darkness of those times made you think, what could I do to take the pain away? They were really dark days. I’m not really sure how I got through them except that again, I just kept moving forward. I wasn’t prepared to say, “This is it.””

Jennie Armato: “There is a great movie , I think it’s “As Good as It Gets” where Jack Nickelson is in a psych surgeon office and he’s in the reception area and there’s all the patients waiting to go in, I’m not sure how to say it here in the states, you call it your shrink, right?”

Jennie Armato: “He’s waiting to go in to the shrink and he’s looking around the room at all the people. They are all I their own state of oblivion and I guess a certain degree of misery and he says, “What if this is as good as it gets?”

Jennie Armato: “The group gasps. What if he’s right? It was a beginning of his awakening that he needed to move on from that point. That’s how I got out of it. I just knew that I needed to move on from it and that somewhere along the line something different was going to happen.”

Jennie Armato: “It goes back to what I was saying before too, if you are in that place right now where it feels like it’s dark and gloomy, just keep going forward. That’s how you get out of it. It’s not like something’s going to suddenly, magically land in your lap. I wish I could say that’s the case, that one day you wake up and it all feels better.”

Jennie Armato: “It doesn’t. You keep going forward and new opportunities and new circumstances present. Then you start to move through the healing process, which is another thing. That’s a whole other conversation as well. I think that were my darkest times. And, when I lost all my money in 2002, that was a really dark time as well.”

Jennie Armato: “It was only financially based, although it affected me on all levels. I guess I was at a point in my life then when I had some skills to be able to manage my way through. Mind you it was a friend that jolted me out of it. An honest friend that said, “You must be getting something out of this if you are languishing in this misery, Jennie.” I said, “What do you mean, Gary?” How dare you say that.”

Jennie Armato: “It took that. We don’t always have honest friends that will jolt us out like that. If you don’t just get up tomorrow and go through the day and spend some time reflecting on some of the things you would like in your life and circumstances do eventually start to change. Then you heal and then you move on.”

Ralph Zuranski: Was there anyone who helped give you the willpower to change things in your life for the better?

Jennie Armato: “I think a lot of it came from me. I remember in my circumstance I looked at my parents and said, “I don’t want to be like that.” So in a way they were good mentors. They taught me things that I was able to say—weren’t things I wanted—as much as friends like Gary did. I think as I started to grow, then mentors that I’ve engaged professionally, definitely have been huge, huge bonus.”

Jennie Armato: “Definitely an acceleration to the success levels that I wanted and that I’ve actually managed to achieve. I’ve actually achieved goals that I’ve had. I attribute a lot of that to professional mentors that I’ve engaged.”

Jennie Armato: “But, then in social circles there’s been lots of friends and people I’ve come in contact with have been—even on a small scale or in a small way—have helped me move through things and sometimes not even knowingly have done it as well.”

Jennie Armato: “But, how that’s had an impact though is that I’ve been open to new things. So in a way those things I talked about in my teen years are good because it made me aware that there’s other ways to live.”

Jennie Armato: “So I was receptive to what people had to say and I was willing to take new ideas on board and so that allows people to affect you the way that you can take something positive from it. It means that they can also affect you negatively when your open like that. That’s where you need to have those mechanisms in place to let go and forgive the stuff we were talking about before.”

Jennie Armato: “You can’t open the door on one side and not the other. It’s not a one way thing. If you’re going to be vulnerable and allow people to affect you in one way they are going to be able in another way, until you put a permission based catch mitt there…if they still permeate, then the ability to forgive!”

Ralph Zuranski: How important was it to believe your financial dreams would eventually become reality?

Jennie Armato: “Really important, but in the early stages I didn’t think that some of the big goals I had, I couldn’t see them. They were much further away from where I was. But to know them and believe that—ok well, I don’t know how I’m going to get there yet but I’m still going to go for it anyway.”

Jennie Armato: “I don’t see why you wouldn’t do that. I think there’s a saying, Reach for the stars and if you land on the moon it’s still good or something. Is that right? Yes even if you can’t see a way to what they are, and can’t see your way clear to something you really desire in your life, you should still have it as goal. Because, just by nature’s force, if you like, or the forces of the universe, things that don’t matter, if you don’t understand them at this stage, things around you will naturally start to take place.”

Jennie Armato: “Even if they are very subtle or small moving you toward that longer term dream. So have it. Have the dream so that one day if you want to go to New York for example, like we were saying earlier, and even if it means you only get from L.A. to Vegas for the next five years.”

Jennie Armato: “You may not realize that Vegas is on the road to New York and if it’s not, forgive me, but you know what I’m saying in terms of heading in the right direction. If you don’t have that longer term goal and dream and you are not willing to acknowledge it now, you may get to Vegas and not realize that there is still a road to be able to get to it. I think it’s really important.”

Ralph Zuranski: Why is it valuable to know exactly how much money you want to have in your bank account and when?

Jennie Armato: “How else does it get there?”

Ralph Zuranski: What is your definition of heroism?

Jennie Armato: “A Hero is—in the female gender context—is a woman who is willing to admit what she truly wants in her life and declares to herself that she’s going to get it. That’s a Hero.”

Ralph Zuranski: Did you ever create a secret Hero in your mind that helped you deal with life’s difficulties?

Jennie Armato: “I feel like I’m getting a psych analysis here. (laughter)  I did and she was me. I imagined me being someone else than who I was. I didn’t always remember her when I had bad times or when I needed to grow up and mature and evolve. But I always saw or imagined me being someone else.”

Jennie Armato: “I imagined me being someone who people wanted help from, people admired for what I’d achieved because I’d come from a background and particularly my family structure where there was really no recognition of anything I did or achieved. If nothing, in a lot of ways I was just the annoying little sister, the runt of the litter. I think in a lot of ways maybe even perhaps gone unnoticed for a lot of things.”

Jennie Armato: “So I think in my mind I created “super Jen.” She’s still not there all yet, not the true “super Jen” I had in mind. I think that’s probably something I would encourage people to do for themselves too. If you can internalize anything, it’s going to have far more impact and add more power to your life than if you externalize them up to some external force as being your Hero.”

Jennie Armato: “I imagined me being someone else, someone who could address audiences on something that would give them a better life if I could find a way to have a better life. It’s kind of what this is all about and why I’m here. It’s interesting you’re asking the questions that are actually leading to exactly why I would bother coming to something like this event this weekend. So yes, make yourself a Hero. If you don’t feel like a Hero right now, think about the things about you that you’d like to have that would make you, in your eyes a Hero.”

Ralph Zuranski: What were the qualities and attributes of your secret Hero or your real life Heroes when you were growing up?

Jennie Armato: “I think super-Jen was someone that could effect people in a positive way and impact them in a way that they would recognize. So super-Jen was someone who could be loved back I think really. I think that was important and that was a quality that she wanted to have and in return receive.”

Jennie Armato: “Super-Jen was someone that could balance out the ability to forgive more than not and quicker than later. Although, a lot of the stuff we’ve covered that add value and meaning to my life I think are elements of that. A couple of the things that super-Jen hasn’t gotten yet, I think she wants to be able to do more things that have a bigger impact. You can’t go from zero to Hero, you know.”

Jennie Armato: “I feel like I’m sort of on the road there somewhere. There are things that I want to do that are going to take more power than just me so I need to find collaborators to be able to do some of the things that I want to do on a bigger scale. Then there’s another side of super-Jen which is just finding an inner peace and stillness.”

Jennie Armato: “I could quite easily disappear to the mountains for six months and sit under the banyon tree. There’s a part of super-Jen that’s that as well. The ability to just be and be still is to me a Superhero quality, you don’t have to feed off of other stuff.”

Jennie Armato: “I feel that a lot of the time I do need these things going on but I can do that banyon tree thing. I’m not sure if I could last six months right now but I aspire to be able to do that. I’d give it a shot if someone sent me off tomorrow.”

Jennie Armato: “So these are some of the qualities I think that the super-Hero that I see in person are the things that I’m working towards and try to build on every day, but not on my off days. On my off days I let myself be off. But on my on days it’s like let’s get back into that place and that space, and what are all the things that matter.”

Jennie Armato: “So it’s like chipping away, like doing the statue of David, it’s a lifetime work almost. We are not here to find ourselves we are here to create ourselves. That’s what I believe anyway.”

Ralph Zuranski: Who are the HEROES in your life now?

Jennie Armato: “In some cases it’s a really long list and in other cases it’s a really short list. I see my brother’s kids as Hero’s, their simplicity for life, I love that about his kids. I think my dad’s a Hero because he’s endured so much in his life. He’s never shifted from who he is.”

Jennie Armato: “In some ways people would say, “well if he hasn’t grown that’s no good.”  But I think he’s a Hero because he’s just stayed who he is irrespective of what’s gone on around him and I see that. I think my husband is Hero. He’s a Hero because, hey he can tolerate me and he’s willing to follow all my crazy, whacked-out ideas that I have in the shower or at 2:00am.”

Jennie Armato: “Most people I meet today in the circles that we move in, especially other speakers and people that work in the industry that I work in, many of those have Heroes, you know that I see as my Heroes. Sometimes I feel really goofy around them.”

Jennie Armato: “And they’ll be praising me and I feel goofy about that because I’m like, “well I don’t always say it but you are my Heroes. I’m not sure I can handle you saying something good back. A lot of people I mix with I see Heroes in. People I meet that are in the dark places, the sort of stuff that we’ve talked about, I see them as Heroes.”

Jennie Armato: “So maybe the answer is I think everyone has a bit of Hero in them. There is a great Whitney Houston song that says “when a Hero comes along, it’s inside of you.” I think that’s actually quite true and that’s a really good song now that I think about it.”

Jennie Armato: “I don’t really dig her music but I like that song. I think it’s a great one. What is it? Is it the Hero Lies in You? It’s really a song about you. She’s saying “I’m my own Hero.” I think everyone has a Hero in them. They may not recognize it and they may not feel it but it’s there.”

Ralph Zuranski: How important is it to have trusted friends or a mastermind group to bounce your ideas off?

Jennie Armato: “Where would I be without my master minds?. I think it’s great. I think you can operate solo effectively to some extent. But to be able to go outside of yourself and have check points is how you can go from where you are this moment to a new level.”

Jennie Armato: “I couldn’t be without them. I wouldn’t want to be without them. If I had to I would be. If you are talking about the pursuit of business and all the things that a great business can bring you, then it’s absolutely essential.”

Ralph Zuranski: How do they make a positive difference in your life?

Jennie Armato: “Sometimes it’s reaffirming, sometimes it’s helping me redirect. So it’s probably the two things here.”

Ralph Zuranski: Who do you feel are the real Heroes in our society today that are not getting the recognition and rewards they deserve?

Jennie Armato: “Everyday people that are putting life together.”

Ralph Zuranski: Why are HEROES so important in the lives of young people?

Jennie Armato: “That’s a very relevant question for me. They are important because we need to know when we’re young, I think life’s very confusing when your young, and you need to know that some else has come out the other end of that confusion. Even if your teen years are stable, which is a different experience to mine, to me there’s so much confusion about life, purpose, direction, meaning and what matters, and getting the right focus and all those things.”

Jennie Armato: “So Heroes are in a way a form of dream building for people. If they see that if that person can achieve that, then that’s where I want to go. If they can do it maybe I can do it too.”

Jennie Armato: “Why are Heroes so important for young people? I think  for that reason to see that  if you are experiencing the typical turmoil, I’ll say, of teens where there is all of those things we were talking about before, you’re able to look beyond it.”

Jennie Armato: “And see that if you know what , if I just keep playing my sport, if I just keep doing my music lessons or I keep learning whatever it is that you want to learn, there is a place that that can take you. If you like where you see that place has taken other people who are these Heroes we’re talking about, then all that’s between you and moving towards that, is time. So without them I think it’s a lot harder to see what’s possible.”

Ralph Zuranski: What are the things parents can do that will help their children realize they too can be HEROES and make a positive impact on the lives of others?

Jennie Armato: “What parents can do is support and encourage. One thing my parents did do is they took me and allowed me to be involved in all the things I wanted to be in. We were talking about ballroom dancing before we started recording this and other things.”

Jennie Armato: “Whatever it is that your kids want to pursue that’s going to lead them somewhere in their lives that’s going to be healthy of course, encourage and support them and let them be that even if it’s not what you had in mind for them, because their greatness is their greatness.”

Jennie Armato: “Allow them that right to develop their greatness and pursue whatever it is that they want to pursue. If you do that, to me that’s the best the parent can be, is to allow their children to evolve.”

Ralph Zuranski: How do people become Heroes?

Jennie Armato: “By being true to themselves by what they believe and what they want. It doesn’t mean that you have to arrive, it just means that you are on that journey and in that you are in that pursuit and you are doing it.”

Ralph Zuranski: How does it feel to be recognized as an Internet HERO?

Jennie Armato: “When you invited me to do this, I’m thinking, I’m a Hero, that’s a bit weird. Well I think I’ll go the other way with my answer. There’s two ways that I could answer this. It feels the same as yesterday and the day before from the point of view that I’m just doing the best at what I can do for the best. So if that makes me a Hero it feels great. For other people to think of me as a Hero, if they do I’m chuffed.”

Jennie Armato: “I just hope they see something about me that makes me a Hero in their eyes, something they can take and put it to themselves. How does it make me feel? It makes me feel that I hope the energy there can be reciprocated.”

Ralph Zuranski: Why do you think you were selected for this unique honor?

Jennie Armato: “I don’t know. But I’m really chuffed, thank you.”

Ralph Zuranski: How will being recognized as an Internet HERO change your life?

Jennie Armato: “Well hopefully something I’ve said helps somebody. And that somebody would be willing to let me know. That would change my life. I’ve been known to sit at my computer and cry reading e-mails from people. I’ll print them out.”

Jennie Armato: “I’ll read them twenty times. Even if they are printed out I still don’t delete them out. It’s sacred. That’s how that would change my life. Every time one of those comes it uplifts me more. It’s almost like putting fuel in the tank. So if what I’ve said can impact somebody else in a positive way and they are willing to tell me, that changes the color of my day.”

Ralph Zuranski: How are you making the world a better place?

Jennie Armato: “I hope by my intention. That’s it.”

Ralph Zuranski: Do you have any good solutions to the problems facing society, especially racism, child and spousal abuse and violence among young people?

Jennie Armato: “Man, are we going to heal the world in this conversation? I wish we could. Solutions I think are communication and there is a term being used I guess in the last decade called tolerances but I see it more as integration.”

Jennie Armato: “If we can communicate and integrate, I think they are two really important keys to being able to find stability on a social level. A lot of what we’ve been talking about has been about stability in one’s self. If one’s self’s times the millions of people in this world could work then I think we could heal a lot of social issues. To me again, that you can go with this.”

Jennie Armato: “In the context of this conversation, to me, if individuals can work on moving towards the solutions that they seek in their own life, then as a collective we have a team of champions, if you like. Then what needs to happen is the team of champions needs to become a champion team.”

Jennie Armato: “I think that’s a communication and integration. They are probably two keys there. You know I hate to say it but I think we’ve got a lot of things to worry about. We really do. But all we can do is manage the stuff that’s within our direct control which to me is ourselves and find like minded people that want to make change for the better and collaborate.”

Ralph Zuranski: If you had three wishes for your life and the world, that would instantly come true, what would they be?

Jennie Armato: “For my life to be able to achieve what I’ve set out to achieve. For the world and the greater cause I would like to see us heal the water of the world. Humans are 70% water by the way. Adult humans are.”

Jennie Armato: “By healing the waters of the world we would be affecting the world in a positive way. I think the earth needs us and we are starting to get aware of it but we need to put some effective strategies in place and start some game plans that are actually going to work that way.”

Jennie Armato: “If I had one wish for the world it would be that we as the main inhabitants could collaborate and look to healing the waters of the world. Because, water is to me the basis of all life form!”

Ralph Zuranski: What do you think about the In Search Of Heroes Program and its impact on youth, parents and business people?

Jennie Armato: “I think it’s an awesome program. I think the concept of being able to reach out and give people something that they might not even know that they’re in search of comes and it’s like something I’ve been looking for, I think it’s powerful.”

Jennie Armato: “I think it’s much needed and I take it from the people you’ve had before me that these people are people that are willing to affect other people in the right kinds of ways. And how could that possibly be anything but good.”

Jennie Armato: “I hope everyone that’s answered your questions have been realistic because it’s one thing to say that life’s wonderful and there’s all these good things but it’s not always that way.”

Jennie Armato: “So the Hero’s Program and the format that your doing here that’s allowed me to say the truth about the situation. I haven’t necessarily painted a perfect picture here. So from that point of view I think they way the program is put together is perfect.”

Ralph Zuranski: “Well that’s great Jennie. I thank you so much for your time and that was truly some amazing answers that I know especially young women will find of great value because most of them have difficult lives as they are raising up, especially in their teenage years. Again, thank you so much.”

Jennie Armato is definitely a woman to watch and learn from when it comes to building profitable, automated web businesses. No matter whether you’ve come from a conventional marketing and business background and/or you have no technical capabilities, the web business opportunity Jen has available to every entrepreneur can transform your business and your life – by focusing on getting results from blueprints that work.

Your first steps to transforming your business and life — let Jen show you the strategies, systems and steps that work for greater web success.

Jennie sure knows how to unlock global web marketplace potential and turn it into web business opportunities that pay well. She is the REAL DEAL selling over 4000 products online in over 20 countries (last count). She also has taught and shared her most guarded strategies and secrets with thousands of clients all around the world helping them become successful web business owners through her training and support company – Web Business Academy.

But it wasn’t always great for Jen. She got her first taste of the internet back in 1996 and it was not sweet. Being a first-rate techno-phobic with no understanding of direct response marketing set her on a path-way to failure. That outcome made her realize that she needed to adopt new approaches, release old beliefs and practices about how to run a business and ultimately led her to realize technology combined with the web unlocked the true, little-known powers of the internet.

It took Jen 3 years to make her first sale online! She has shortened that process for you down to merely hours and days. She has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and hundreds and hundreds of hours over the past 14 years experimenting and testing concepts, strategies, systems and tools, today having developed one of the easiest, quickest and cheapest ways to get a business online, build it, automate it and manage it without ever having to hire marketing consultants and never having to pay for webmasters.

This marketing and management tool is her signature, proprietary software known as the “Web Success Wizard”. She presents the best of the best Web Success Strategies, Systems and Steps at public and private client-only events.

Jen has also created a number of web success blueprints for marketing a business online. These blueprints are taught around the world, under license to the Web Business Academy “Web Success Wizard” brand.

Becoming a Public Speaker was not in Jen’s plans but her web success structures, strategies, systems and steps have meant event organizers around the world are regularly asking her to speak. Here’s a tribute to her work, compliments of an amazingly talented member of her team.

Jennie Armato is a straight-shooter. Her fun and simplistic presentation style is a MUST SEE. You’ll learn a lot of valuable information and gain amazing insights, ideas and inspiration about online businesses from this wonderful, innovative woman.

You can attend one of Jen’s events held in various locations around the world. Check out Jen’s speaking itinerary here.

It was a natural progression of Jen’s extensive personal experiences starting, running and growing web businesses combined with her leadership in developing strategic blueprints for web success, to become a Web Success Coach and Mentor. She has developed a range of products and services that help other entrepreneurs to create your own online success too.

Her signature program “Web Success Club” gives budding web entrepreneurs the opportunity to start a business (even from scratch), develop products and execute marketing strategies, sales systems and client relationship management structures for greater web success.

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