In Search Of Heroes Interview Of Rhea Perry Internet Marketer Was Truly Amazing

Ralph Zuranski: Hi this is Ralph Zuranski. I’m on the phone with Rhea Perry. She’s definitely one of the heroes I’ve met on the internet. She works with parents, single moms, single dads, and full families that are interested in having an entrepreneurial mindset about generating income for their families, and also doing homeschooling.

Ralph Zuranski: Her whole goal is to help every family make money right from their own home, and therefore spend more time with their kids. She’s an entrepreneur herself and has done a number of seminars. One is called Entrepreneur Days, for which I had the opportunity to run the computer and take the pictures at, and she has a website called Rhea, how are you doing today?

Rhea: Hey Ralph, I’m doing great.

Ralph Zuranski: I know you’re a pretty amazing person, just because of the fact that you have seven kids, and you’re installing that entrepreneur spirit in every one of them. I know Drew, he’s twenty-three year old and he’s actually a seminar speaker, teaching people how to buy and sell homes on eBay.

Ralph Zuranski: Then, Will, he’s seventeen; he’s a webmaster that knows how to market. I mean that’s pretty rare for even people that have been in the business a long time. So how is it that you have seven kids and you decided that you wanted them all to learn how to make money from home?

Rhea Perry: Well, that’s an interesting question. Actually my husband was a public school teacher and that’s what he was educated to be. He did not want me to work, so we jumped out and got married and started off life and found out it was going to take a lot more money than he was going to make as a school teacher to be able to live.

Rhea Perry: So we started looking through a couple different options, and during that time when we started having babies, he said, “Would you homeschool the children?” and for ten years I said No, because even though I have a degree in education I still wasn’t confident in myself that I could do it, and that I would be able to provide them with everything they need.

Rhea Perry: So we tried everything. All the school options and everything worked for my oldest daughter, because she’s very smart and very academic in nature. But then there was Drew, who was a little bit different, and he would probably be labeled ADD if he was tested. I never tested him because I didn’t want labels put on him, but I knew he was different and he just didn’t fit in with the school situation he was in.

Rhea Perry: I started trying a couple different things with him, and what we basically discovered from trying different things and projects and using real books and practical life experiences was that not all kids learn the same way. Unfortunately when you have a classroom situation, its real hard to meet the needs of the people that are different. Unfortunately, I think that’s what happening with a lot of kids being put on Ritalin these days, is that they just need to be put into the classroom situation and fit in. Teachers aren’t able to handle them because they don’t have the time or the resources that they need to spend extra time with them.

Rhea Perry: My Mother was a public school teacher, and my father was the architect in our county that designed all the schools and the banks.

Rhea Perry: So education has always been a very important thing in my life, and just felt that it had a lot of potential, but teachers have so much responsibility, and they just don’t have a lot of time.

Rhea Perry: And like I said, they don’t have the resources sometimes, and they just aren’t in a position to meet everybody in the classrooms needs. That’s why I started considering homeschooling after my husband had begged me so long.

Rhea Perry: I finally gave in and tried doing that after ten years, and I just started experimenting, trying to find something that would work for him. When I found what we’re doing now I just started sharing it with people on Yahoo groups that I was on at the time.

Rhea Perry: So, all of a sudden the little community that we had developed that’s starting to do a lot of different things with us, grew out of that little yahoo group. I continued to share little things there off and on, and we have lots of people that were learning to make money, because, seems like basically education doesn’t teach you the practical things so many times that you need to make money in life and  that kind of the direction. We’ve been going with the chats that we have and all.

Rhea Perry: I’ve enjoyed having children. I’ve actually had ten, but I lost three because I’m old now, but I lovechildren. I love working with people in general.

Rhea Perry: Yeah, well that’s a pretty amazing leap of faith in so many parents who are so strapped, when both parents are working one or two jobs, and the kids just don’t really have their parents around.

Rhea Perry: The beauty of being an entrepreneur is you have tremendous tax advantages, and homeschooling the kids, you can actually provide an education that works with the way the child processes the information.

Rhea Perry: I know how important that is. Plus what has happened with us, when Drew turned eighteen and became a real estate investor and he started buying houses like crazy, and so basically he was contributing to the family’s income.

Rhea Perry: A lot of people will say stuff to us like, “How can you afford to have seven children?” Because now days you try to live a certain standard of economic stability in life that costs money, and most people just have two children because they don’t think they can maintain that standard of living that they want if they have more.

Rhea Perry: Well, what happened when Drew turned eighteen was that he started contributing to the income instead of us having to spend more on him. Of course he did cost money, because he was a teenager, but he was actually bringing in way more than he was requiring. And he actually brought my husband home from work. After my husband had taught school for a few years he basically started working on his own as a carpenter and did a lot of remodeling.

Rhea Perry: Then he went to work for a company in Decatur Alabama, and worked with them for fifteen years I think, but there he also contracted cancer and soon of his goal was to leave work and come home. Basically because of what Drew did; buying so many houses and establishing a passive residual income for us through real estate. My husband was able to come home and so now he’s been home for about four years, because of our real estate and Drew did that. So that’s an asset.

Rhea Perry: That’s just amazing, so it is potentially a huge goldmine for parents to show their kids, not only how to make some money, but to make a lot of money and build residual income so that they’re not strapped every month.

Ralph Zuranski: I’ve seen you at a lot of conferences, and I’ve seen Drew and Will there too, learning all the ways to market stuff on the internet, and it’s definitely inspiring. So you’re definitely one of my heroes for bringing in kids and making opportunities for people who are homeschooling and just families in general that are financially desperate and need other alternatives to survive in the world today.

Rhea: Right. Well, one of the things I started seeing early on was that parents should be the main mentors in a child’s life, and we’ve had many, many mentors here. In fact, you’re one of my mentors Ralph. I just love the way you take pictures.

Rhea Perry: You’re just a master at photography, but we’ve had many mentors and I’ve seen the importance of bringing lots of people who are experts of different fields into the lives of my children. I carefully select those, because I’ve learned that children become like a mentor.

Rhea Perry: They learn the information and the subject matter, but they also become like the person. So I’ve been very careful who I brought into my children’s lives, and so one of my mentors has become Armand Morin.

Rhea Perry: About four years ago I think it was, we became his students. I basically wanted my boys to be with him, and learn from him, and so because of our involvement with him, from the Big Seminar and one-on-one coaching, now all three of us are in his platinum club.

Rhea Perry: My boys have just learned incredible things about the internet. My second son Will that you mentioned, is a marketing webmaster and actually has his own clients. He’s not currently taking any new clients, but he has his residual income that comes in directly from the internet, from what he does with his clients who have websites.

Rhea Perry: I’ve learned that there’s just so much potential that I want other parents to experience this with their kids too. So what I’ll do on my yahoo group is encourage them to go to Armand’s things, like Big Seminar

Rhea Perry: Heroism is based on what a person does, not just on who he is. So many people are capable of being role models for others and for making a huge impact in their worlds, but for whatever reasons, they just choose not to.


Rhea Perry: To me, that’s sad because life is so short. There are so many people we can help if we just get a vision for how we personally can contribute, focus the desire buried deep within our hearts by making a few good decisions, then acting on what we believe.

Rhea Perry: A hero is someone who acts on his beliefs, instead of just thinking about them. Many of us have heroic qualities; those who qualify to be called heroes overcome fear to act in faith that impacts others.

Rhea Perry: When they come, bring their young people, their teenagers. So a lot of times you’ll see teenagers at a lot of Armand’s events and other conferences and usually those are people that are members of our yahoo groups. A few of them, including Dave Mitchell from, are members of our yahoo group. It started off being women, but now it’s men and teenagers as well.

Rhea Perry: Dave was able to come home from corporate America and now he is making a living full time at home from the internet and also his oldest son Joshua is my main webmaster now. Joshua is helping Dave supplement the family’s income now too. Its incredible to see how things kind of just work out.

Ralph Zuranski: Yeah, well you know how important it is just to keep your kids in contact with people who are good role models, which is what the In Search of Heroes program is all about. I think I’ve selected well from just the large number of people I’ve met at the conferences. Some of the finest individuals out there will help with the program.

Rhea Perry: Yeah, You’ve done a great job too. At the Big Seminar there are some many incredible people there that are just doing some fantastic things in life. I’m just amazed every time I go to one of these conferences to see who’s there and who I get to meet.

Ralph Zuranski: Yeah, It’s astounding.

Rhea Perry: You’re sitting right next to millionaires and people that nobody even knows about but they’re making astronomical amounts of money  and understanding how to market things on the internet.  My goal is to create those guys, and that’s why I just love it when some of these young guys, like Joshua Mitchell, my webmaster he’s seventeen. I met him when He was fifteen and he didn’t really know exactly what he wanted to do, but he loved computers and so now he is actually my assistant.

Rhea Perry: We’re doing a web tech class right now to teach other people the tools of internet marketing, and he is actually facilitating the webinar for me. So, we’re co-hosting it and we’re having people on there like Martin Wales from One Shopping Cart. We had Armand Morin from Go-Generator, and we had Rick Raddatz with Audio Generator and Video Generator. Also, Perry Marshall who talks about ad-words and people like that.

Rhea Perry: So I love hooking up these guys that are called the internet millionaires with some of these young teenagers. I mean I think the youngest person in our class is thirteen and I’m hoping that all this is going to click and down the road it’s going to make a significant difference in these young peoples lives, so that they end up being the millionaires sitting next to you at that conference.

Ralph Zuranski: Well you know, I believe that’s true with the kids. They have an unlimited amount of time and most of them know how to use computers. I figure if we match them up with the successful business individuals that have high integrity and are truly leaders in their field that we just have to stand back and watch what those kids will be able to do. So Rhea, what is your definition of Heroism?

Rhea: Heroism, basically is based on what you do and no so much who you are. I think everybody can be a hero. Everybody can be a hero in different ways, but so many time we let fear and timidity keep us from acting, keep us from helping and contributing and doing things like that.

Rhea Perry: So the to me, the difference between being a hero and not is stepping out and just doing something. I mean you see the interviews on TV where there’s a crisis and a woman is washed away in a river and some guy just jumped in a saved her. Well, there might have been five guys standing there on the side, but one of those five jumped in and actually

Rhea Perry: I took action. I think that’s the key, just actually doing something. Just deciding that you’re not going to be afraid, but you’re going to act in faith and just jump in and do something.

Ralph Zuranski: So you think that a person can be a Hero if they just get in there and personally contribute and try to make a positive difference in the lives of other people. So what is your perspective on goodness, ethics, and moral behavior?

Rhea: Well, that’s a deep subject, because I am a Christian, and I believe that all of us struggle with sin, and temptation. I mean that’s just part of life. That’s not something you can really get away with. Everybody has to deal with it. But there is a way we can overcome the sin and temptation.

Rhea Perry: We have to deal with on a daily basis and that is just going to God. Jesus died so that we could overcome sin and death as well. So when we struggle, we just have to go to God and say, “Okay, God, I’m having a hard time here. I can’t get through this unless you help me. You’re living your life in me and through me and the more I yield to you the better things go.  The more successful, the more prosperous I will become.”

Rhea Perry: I want to do it for God in the kingdom of God and for good ways, for good reasons. But it is an ongoing battle to deal with the sin, especially the way culture is it seems to be getting more of a promiscuous culture. Basically nobody’s good. You can try to act good, but our goodness is based on the fact that Jesus is in us. That’s it. I hate to sound religious but that’s it.

Rhea Perry: All of us struggle with sin and temptation; it is result of the fall of man at the beginning of time. But Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth to overcome not only sin but death as well so that we might live abundantly and eternally with Him.

Rhea Perry: Realizing that it cost Him His very life to serve us, how can we do less than to live a good life and serve others? On our own, we can’t begin to keep the first law of man or of God; but as He lives His life through us, we become conformed to His image and His spirit leads us to do what we are here to do. I know that not everyone believes this but based on my experience in life, I will only make a mess of my life if I don’t surrender it to Him daily.

Ralph Zuranski: Well, that’s okay, I think that that’s an important perspective, and I’m a Christian too. I think it’s important to understand how the universe works, and just be aware of what God’s laws are, because there really is a creator and there really is a God. We should believe there is. It’s important to actually follow the laws on how the universe works, so that we don’t make a lot of huge mistakes.

Rhea Perry: One of the things in the bible that God is constantly talking about is “fear not.” I think that’s the most often repeated term in the bible, and why do you think that is? Because we have such a huge problem with fear. Everybody does, in different ways.

Ralph Zuranski: Isn’t that true? I know Moms in particular have a lot of fears for their kids. Everybody has fear failure in all the different areas of life; fear of their health, fear of accidents. Sometimes I wonder how people can make it without a safe and a kind and a loving God. So do you have a dream or a vision that sets the course of your life?

Rhea: Well, basically, over the past seventeen years, I’ve been working for a book company out of Florida that carries homeschool material around the country and proclaims in a sense the life style of learning for the homeschool community. There are several basic philosophies of homeschooling, and this is just one. It’s not necessarily the most popular one, but it’s the one that’s worked for me.

Rhea Perry: As I’ve traveled with that company, and worked for them, I’ve been face to face with a lot of families and I’ve just gotten out, and gotten a chance to be involved. So I’m able to see things from a different perspective.

Rhea Perry: Then after several years, we moved and actually left society. I used to be a society editor at one point in my life, but now I’ve left society. So we live out in the middle of forty-four acres, in a log house with no neighbors and people say, “Well, how do you know what’s happening.

Rhea Perry: How do you get your vision if you live out in the middle of nowhere?”  I don’t know exactly except for the fact that I’ve been traveling for so many years that I’ve seen things in people. But what I’ve seen in the last fifteen or twenty years is like a revival occurring. What’s happening is, when homeschooling started just about twenty years ago, Moms were saying “Something’s not right here.”

Rhea Perry:  It basically started when they took God out of the school system. It was like God said, “Okay if you’re not going to teach my children how to read the bible, then they don’t need to learn how to read.”  All of a sudden, the test scores started plummeting and every year they’ve gone down and gotten worse and worse and worse.

Rhea Perry: Well, pretty soon the Moms started seeing that something was going on with their kids, so they started deciding to homeschool, and spend more time with them and focus and all that.

Rhea Perry: Then along the way, some men started seeing the same thing and started becoming more involved in the lives of their children and just recently, I mean in the last five years, I’ve seen a huge revival in a sense. I saw a revival of men deciding that they’re going to be part of their families. I mean actively, not just be the provider and protector hat they’ve always been.

Rhea Perry: They actually want to come home and work at home, and want to work with their children and help them. It’s been really fascinating to me. I mean we’ve probably had half the men, we have 800 people on our yahoo group and half of those are probably men, which is unheard of on a yahoo group. Yahoo groups are usually a bunch of women, chatting or a bunch of men talking about sports or something.

Rhea Perry: So I love that, but I see that they’re just regaining their position as active patriarch of the family and in the last chapter in the book of Malachi in the Old Testament, it says that in the last days, you’re going to have the hearts of your fathers turn towards their children, and I think that’s what’s happening. I think we’re in an end-time period in history and what started with these Moms is now branching of into these men.

Rhea Perry: The men are picking up the responsibility for their children that I think God put on them, and they’re totally dedicated to raising up they’re children and making them be successful in whatever way that is.

Rhea Perry: One thing that I see that we can do is by teaching them to be business owners and investors instead of just employees. They have so much more potential for making a lot of money, making an impact in their world, doing something different like Armand is.

Rhea Perry: I can’t imagine Armand being an employee; I don’t think he would make it. I think Armand is actually unemployable.

Rhea Perry: But, I want to bring people like Armand, Alex, you, and others, like people in your Hero’s program, to the young people of the world. Hold them up and say, “Look, you can do this too. Be challenged.

Rhea Perry: You know, do something different with your life. Don’t be content to have a menial job that anybody can do. You know, God put you on this earth for a reason. Find out what that purpose is, pursue it and do the best you can with it. Make a difference.” Like Thomas Edison, when he left, he left General Electric behind him. I tell people all the time, “Think about what you’re leaving behind you. Leave something like General Electric behind.”

Rhea Perry: There is a revival occurring in our land in which fathers are returning to the home to regain their position as active patriarch of the family. They are discovering that they can have a new influence in the lives of their children as they focus together on career preparation.

Rhea Perry: I am dedicated to helping them educate themselves to learn to work from home so they can be not only present in the lives of their children, but also actively engaged. The Information Age has changed the game so I do what I can to help families learn the new rules.

Ralph Zuranski: Yes, that’s so true, and you know, that’s why I created the Hero’s program; to give kids the knowledge and the information on how everything works in society, and business and keeping the wealth that they make that I didn’t have. It’s taken me 26 years almost to figure this stuff out. If I’d known it in elementary school and high school, I would have been able to retire be the time I was twenty, twenty-one.

Rhea: Oh, exactly. Well, I took two of my boys to a conference one time for them to learn Dream Weaver. Someone from the local school board was there and they made a comment to me, because it was on a Thursday.

Rhea Perry: He said, “What are these boys doing out of school?”  I said “Well, actually we homeschool, but I brought them to this conference so they could learn DreamWeaver and flash from an expert,” He said, “Well, they should be in school now” and I said, “Well, don’t you think that what they’re going to learn in this class that this expert that’s come from Pennsylvania to teach them DreamWeaver and Flash, which is going to help them create websites is more important than what they would be learning if they were sitting in a classroom right now?”  He stopped for a second and he said, “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

Rhea Perry: So what I tell people is take you kids with you into educational situations and to conferences where they can learn from other people. They can learn all kinds of different things, because that’s real learning, that’s practical, and the things they’re going to learn at a conference has generally worked for somebody else.

Ralph Zuranski: Do you have the courage to pursue new ideas?

Rhea Perry: There are two motivators in life: fear and faith. If you operate out of fear, you’ll spend your life reacting to what comes along and find yourself drifting aimlessly. If you live by faith, you can live pro-actively and aim at the direction you want to go.

Rhea Perry: As a Mom of Many Children, I have to get up earlier than the children to take control of my day before it takes control of me. I let them sleep late so I can spend time reading, getting my direction and To Do list for the day, and working on my home and business duties. When they get up, we go a different direction so I can meet their needs. When you live with a bunch of kids, you have to learn to be flexible.

Rhea Perry: When new ideas come along, I view them as an adventure. And life should be full of adventure! Life itself is supposed to be one big adventure with a bit of romance and mystery thrown in. We weren’t made to go to work, come home, eat, watch TV, got to bed, get up and do it all over again for every day of our lives.

Rhea Perry: The saddest thing to me is how many people live that type of existence. It doesn’t have to be that way. Pursuing new ideas doesn’t take courage for me; it’s just the way life is. And the bigger the challenge, the more exciting the adventure!

Rhea Perry: Call it courage if you want to, call it faith. I call it fun!

Ralph Zuranski: You know that’s so true, and I’ve been in a lot of situations where I’ve had a lot of misfortunes, setbacks and mistakes, and I know that you have too. So how important is it to take a positive view of misfortunes, setbacks, and mistakes?

Rhea Perry: Absolutely! Good and evil seem to weave through life like parallel train tracks. When you discover the bad, search for the good. It’s usually right there beside it.

Rhea: Well, I think it’s absolutely critical, because it seems like good and evil weave together through life like parallel train tracks. So when something bad happens you can just look around and you’ll find the good thing right there next to it.

Rhea Perry: When I go to a lot of these conferences, unfortunately, I see a lot of men that are fifty, forty, sixty, seventy-years-old sometimes. They’ll say, “I’m glad you bring your boys. I wish I had.

Rhea Perry: I had this information when I was their age. I would be in a totally different place in my life now.” Like you just said a minute ago and that’s it, but when you make a mistake or when you realize that things aren’t like you hoped they would be, or that they’re not like you want them to be, all you can do is just say, “Okay, I have to forgive myself or forgive someone else for not leading me in the right direction. I’m going to do that.” Just stop and forgive and get it over with and then just keep going forward.

Rhea Perry: Don’t sit there and dwell on the past and say, “Oh, my life is ruined and it’s all because of so-and-so” or whatever. But just say, “Okay, that’s behind me, now what’s in front of me?”  Just keep going and then figure out what you have to do to overcome the mistake or correct the situation or whatever. Keep on going. I think the biggest mistake people make is not moving. If they just sit there, they’ll never get anywhere.

Ralph Zuranski: Were you willing to experience discomfort in the pursuit of your dream?

Rhea Perry: Absolutely! The struggle out of the cocoon is what gives the butterfly the strength it needs to fly. The struggle out of the eggshell is what gives the chick the strength to walk. The winter is what makes spring so wonderful.

Rhea Perry: If we had no obstacles to overcome, there’d be no thrill of victory.

Ralph Zuranski: Did you believe your dreams would eventually become reality?

Rhea Perry: Absolutely! Every month I hear about another family who has overcome financial struggles to become financially free and realize their dreams. We have many living testimonies on our Yahoo! Group, the Entrepreneurs at Home.

Ralph Zuranski: Who helped give you the willpower to change things in you life for the better?

Rhea Perry: I wish I could contribute my vision to one person but in reality I have many incredible mentors who encourage me daily. Some of them I actually know, some of them are no longer alive. They don’t come to me, I go to them. I surround myself with many experts who are smarter and more experienced than I am so that I can keep a positive perspective and glean from them when I need encouragement or inspiration.

Rhea Perry: My two oldest boys and I are in a mastermind group ( that meets three times a year and many more times online. I learn constantly from many teachers about education, developing a motivating mindset, Internet marketing, real estate investing, the stock market, and selling on eBayä. Email, books, audios, conference calls and going to seminars of all kinds inspire me and keep me refreshed.

Rhea Perry: If you want to do something special with your life, you can’t do it alone. There is power in networking with those who are motivated.

Ralph Zuranski: Do you readily forgive those who upset, offend and oppose you?

Rhea Perry: Absolutely! Life is too short to allow misunderstandings to steal your joy!

Ralph Zuranski: What place does the power of prayer have in your life?

Rhea Perry: Everything.

Ralph Zuranski: Do you maintain your sense of humor in the face of serious problems?

Rhea Perry: Absolutely! Laughter is the best medicine!

Ralph Zuranski: How do people become heroes?

Rhea Perry: People are recognized as being heroes when they do something significant with their lives to help others. So often, heroes in ordinary situations serve others constantly, yet get no recognition for it. I’m convinced they’ll get their reward in Heaven. It’s just sad that they are so often taken for granted where they are in life.

Ralph Zuranski: How does it feel to be recognized as an Internet HERO?

Rhea Perry: Embarrassing. I’m surprised you even asked me to do this interview!

Ralph Zuranski: How will being recognized as an Internet HERO change your life?

Rhea Perry: My children will probably laugh hysterically as they print this interview to put on the refrigerator to use as their new dartboard.

Ralph Zuranski: What are the things parents can do that will help their children realize they too can be HEROES and make a positive impact on the lives of others?

Rhea Perry: Parents have an incredible opportunity to train their children to be serious contributors to society instead of being dependent on it. I encourage families all the time to look around for opportunity and learn to create money out of nothing. With all the opportunity our free enterprise system offers, there is no reason why anyone who can read should be living paycheck to paycheck. If you don’t know where to start, consider selling something on eBayä. Many families earn their living there by becoming experts in just one market.

Rhea Perry: We have the freedom to control our own lives and not be enslaved to anyone else. It just requires the right type of education. Yet, most of us get caught up in day-to-day living and don’t look up from its mundaneness to set our goals on something higher. Working toward financial freedom is not something that comes easily. It doesn’t come from an inheritance or from winning the lottery. Getting money is only part of the game of life; managing and protecting it is important as well.

Rhea Perry: If parents want to truly impact their children’s lives, they will teach them to own their own businesses, tithe, and channel their resources to positively impact society in whatever realm their hearts desire. Life is not about getting, it’s about giving. Yet in the giving, what we get makes it worth the effort. That’s what makes a hero!

Rhea Perry: Thank you Ralph, for asking me to be part of your program. You are my hero!

Ralph Zuranski: That’s right. Well, Rhea, it’s been great having you on the call. I hope everything goes well at your conference in August. That site is . Good luck to you!

My name is Rhea (pronounced Ray) Perry and I have educated my 7 children since 1987. I was called the Community Queen when I started my online home business with a Yahoo! Group in 2002 and started helping others build membership sites. And I’ve been called the Mark Victor Hansen of the home school world because I love to motivate others to think creatively and become entrepreneurs.

As a stay-at-home mom, my main goal in life is to encourage women to become the best homemakers they can be. I believe that includes helping their children discover their gifts and find their calling in life as early as possible. The family should also support the children until they enter their own personal journey on the road to financial security.

Yet how can we do that when we haven’t been educated or trained? We find ourselves learning as we are doing it with them. Sometimes we feel like the burden is too heavy. That’s why I created this community so those of us on this journey can encourage each other and share our secrets along the way.

Whether you desire to have a job or a home business for your children or yourself, the greatest country that has ever existed economically – America – offers unlimited opportunities, especially since the Internet has changed the rules.

How can we fail when God is for us and desires to help each of us fulfill the purpose He put us here to achieve?

My Family’s Story

When home education was in its infancy in the 1980s, my family represented Lifetime Books and Gifts in the Southeast for five years. During the time I served that cutting-edge educational company as a curriculum counselor, I learned way too much about this crazy thing called “home education.”

During that time, I became convinced that it is extremely important to prepare young people to enter the real world as leaders in business, entertainment and government.

So I am dedicated to helping students of all ages discover what they want to be when they grow up, then get a clear vision to create a plan, and get the right education to prepare themselves to be successful in life.

My oldest son, Drew, became a real estate investor when he was 18 and replaced his dad’s income in just 3 years. Although I didn’t have much hope for the boy, he was worth $1.4 million by the time he was 21. Now at 27, he is married, has 2 wonderful baby boys and teaches real estate investors how to sell houses on eBay.

When I told the members of a Yahoo! Group what we were doing for school, they wanted to learn more. So I invited them over to our farm in the hills of Tennessee back in 2001.

100 people from 18 states attended our one-day event and four even flew.

The same thing happened the next year with our own Yahoo! group, even though we invited half as many.

The third year, we rented a university down the road and 220 folks came from 21 states and Canada.

Every year since then, we’ve hosted the only live events of their kind where families are encouraged to bring their children to learn how to be godly entrepreneurs that not only make serious money but also make an impact on their world.

Our Company

We started Educating for Success, Inc. to help others learn how to educate teens and adults so they can become successful and start home businesses of their own, instead of simply taking a job.

To become financially free requires learning to think differently. Instead of training young people to think like employees who operate on the left side of the Cashflow Quadrant as explained in Robert Kiyosaki’s insightful book, we help parents learn how to educate their children to operate on the right side of the quadrant as business owners and investors.

(Robert actually invited Drew and me to visit with him at his office in Mesa, Arizona in 2006. Sharon Lechter, Anita Rodriquez and others on his team joined us.)

We provide real education through:

1. Ebooks
2. Frequent Online Live Classes
3. Success Resources
4. Our ongoing mentoring program
5. A variety of mentoring community sites

Some of the families who have mentored with us and the experts we bring to them (many are the Internet millionaires) have done very well.