In Search Of Heroes Interview Of Scott Alliy Internet Marketer Was Very Informative

Ralph Zuranski: What is your definition of heroism?

Scott Alliy: Heroism is a noticeable act perpetrated by an individual meaning someone or something; it could be a dog for example that the end result has a distinct physical or an emotional effect on themselves or those around them.  Basically doing something for yourself or somebody else that id sure to be noticed by someone that is an unselfish act done by someone in good spirit without any expectation for reward.  

Scott Alliy: For instance if I give blood I am a generous and compassionate person, if a hemophiliac gives blood he is a hero.  So it is that risk element in there that makes you stand out just a little more.

Scott Alliy: It is that busy father for example that decides to coach the little league.  He for some people may be called a hero himself.  It is going above and beyond that distinguishes a compassionate act from heroism.

Ralph Zuranski: What is your perspective on goodness, ethics and moral behavior?

Scott Alliy: My Christian beliefs tell me that goodness and ethics will ultimately prevail.  I believe that if you follow the path of righteousness, and here is the key; it is so much easier to do that when you are engaging in activities that are kenned to your personality or your physicality and when you are surrounded by others who basically mirror or mimic or share or compliment your own skill set and traits.

Scott Alliy: Also I think finding your passion, finding your purpose and doing those things I think make it easy to be an ethically and morally sound person verses engaging in activities where some of your activities may be somewhat questionable for you to feel to compete.

Ralph Zuranski: When was the lowest point in your life and how did you change your life path to one of victory over all obstacles?

Scott Alliy: The lowest point in my life by no doubt was when I was nineteen and I had left home at a very early age, I had a very promising educational career and of course let that slip away.

Scott Alliy: I had a questionable upbringing and I found myself flat on my back and spent six months in the hospital recovering from a major surgery and at that point answers come to you and you have a decision to make and I decided that life was good and that I had a purpose and from that point on I began to take what was a negative upbringing and childhood and turn it in to a positive that I could share with others and inspires them.

Scott Alliy: As you may know I am writing a book that is called “Look at me now” and it basically tells people how to get from where they are, whatever point and however low that might be to where they are going.

Ralph Zuranski: Do you have the courage to pursue new ideas?

Scott Alliy: Absolutely, you must be a risk taker if you are to get rewards in life.  One of the things I did to improve my lot in life was I began to read the books, “Success to a Positive Mental Attitude” and The Success System That Never Fails” by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone.

Scott Alliy: Here is a guy who was selling insurance when he was twelve years old.  Now the interesting thing for people to understand here is that depending on the length of the journey, you are not going to be able to see the end result.

Scott Alliy: For instance a cruise ship he leaves his dock and for fully ninety percent of the trip he never sees the other side but he knows that if he is going in that direction he is eventually going to get there.

Scott Alliy: So it is being able to have confidence in the vision that is set out for you and knowing that you are doing the right thing and sticking with it I think will ultimately get you from the bad situation you may have found yourself in, and just to know that it is not guaranteed, that it is not just laid out in front of you, that much of it is unknown and that is where faith is so very important.  I encourage everybody who is a risk taker, who does set out to have faith.

Ralph Zuranski: Were you willing to experience discomfort in the pursuit of your dream?

Scott Alliy: Oh absolutely as a wait lift to yourself you understand no pain no gain but again it is having that faith and knowledge that you are doing the right thing and ultimately with ethics and morals and desire and attention and attitude, you will prevail.

Ralph Zuranski: Did you believe your dreams would eventually become reality?

Scott Alliy: Yes and I believe that is very important.  Zig Ziggler said it best; you can not hit a target that you can’t see.  So you have to know where the bullseye is and if that bullseye for you is material wealth than so be it, if that bullseye to you is being a hero to others than so be that.

Scott Alliy: Just know that this is for you, decide that this is for you and pursue it with a zest that can only come with the faith and the confidence that come with knowing that this is the right thing for you to be doing.

Ralph Zuranski: What place does the power of prayer have in your life?

Scott Alliy: Prayer is very important to me.  A good situation is when I started to find a seminar.  I actually walked away from the corporate world and I didn’t tell you this but this is a very interesting prayer and faith story.

Scott Alliy: I walked away from the corporate world and I came home and told my wife “I have got good news and bad news.  I have quit my job in the corporate world and yes I know we have a lovely home and three cars and a son in college that we are paying for but I know this is the right thing to do.

Scott Alliy: I good news is that I am going to start with no money and nothing but faith and knowledge and confidence in my expertise developed over years of experience and trial and error so I wouldn’t encourage just anybody to do something so bold but three months later my wife lost her position so we found ourselves completely out of work and struggling with a son in college and so on and so forth and at that point a piece came over me and I just knew then that I had done everything that I could.

Scott Alliy: It was obviously out of my hands so I turned to God and I prayed and low and behold we came up with a new strategy, a marketing plan of all things and the skies began to clear and as the book “Think and Grow Rich” says we began to see the first signs of the abundance that is ours because we had the courage to persist and at that point I knew we were in good hands, but to be able to look your wife in the eyes and say at the darkest moments that I know it was going to be ok, when tears are running down her eyes, that takes prayer and faith and that is what pulled us through.

Ralph Zuranski: Who are the HEROES in your life?

Scott Alliy: You know, I don’t read comic books for example and I don’t necessarily although I must admit, anybodies who is out there giving their life and protecting our country certainly has my vote for heroic duties but it is the common folk who I found in my life there was a family and I wont mention any names but a mother and father were so profound in my life, a family up the street from where I live.

Scott Alliy: God bless them because they gave me inspiration and guidance.  In fact they drove me to catechism and made sure that I went to church and such but it is a type of people that I find myself even to this day asking “What would they do in a given situation” that makes them very special that even though they are not physically here with you they were always mentally there with you and you know, they were just sound people that you just knew any decision they would make you just knew was the right one for you to make as well.

Ralph Zuranski: Who do you think are the HEROES today that are not getting the recognition they deserve?

Scott Alliy: I think that people that are living their life to honor God that are therefore sitting an example for others even wayward people to see and view, it gives that basic post in the road that tells you were to come back to, no matter how far you wander off, these types of people are the beacon that says “This is the right way to do it, this is the road to walk and if you just do it this way we will accept you and you will be on the right path.”

Scott Alliy: I think those are really society’s heroes, the people that go out there everyday and make it happen whether they are a retail clerk or a wood worker or a  corporate executive who has opportunities to do something unethical or moral and chose not to do that, these are my heroes.  Integrity and character is what you do at the cookie jar when no one is looking.

Ralph Zuranski: Why are HEROES so important in the lives of young people?

Scott Alliy: I think looking back now as a 49 year old person I probably would have had a different answer before but I think it is because the small mind is not necessarily capable of the decision making process to recognize those signs, those hints that God gives each of us.  A hero or a person of substance or a person of ethics and morals is there as a beacon to remind them of where the truth and the light is.

Ralph Zuranski: How do people become heroes?

Scott Alliy: I think the best way to become a hero is to live your life as to improve yourself or those around you each and everyday.  Also to avoid those situations in life that would present you opportunities to dishonor yourself or those around you or even God and at the same time to be aware of opportunities to reach and help and recognize those in need and bring them to a level where they to can repeat the process.

Ralph Zuranski: How are you making the world a better place?

Scott Alliy: I would like to think that is a tremendous tool to help people find the education they need to increase their job skills and increase their career skills and to increase their life learning skills, to be able to take and look at four-hundred companies in one place in cities and towns and see what’s going on all over America in one big location I think has got to be the ultimate use of the internet.

Scott Alliy: I am proud to be associated with that and I am proud to be associated the a team that has helped me put this together to make this such a wonderful product.  We have now reached roughly twelve to twenty thousand; we’ll say fifteen for the sake of an argument, registration.

Scott Alliy: That is fifteen thousand people per year that we are helping improve their life and that is just an amazing and wonderful feeling.

Ralph Zuranski: Do you have any good solutions to the problems facing society, especially racism, child and spousal abuse and violence among young people?

Scott Alliy: The solution is in the book.  The solution is in the Bible.  I think the key is to recognize those times in your life when you have situations that present themselves to you to lead others who you feel are involving themselves in such things.

Scott Alliy: One course of action is avoidance and another way is to step in and lead them to the steps of self consciousness and I think spreading the word and being willing to get involved is part of being a hero in that sense because you leave yourself open to insult and you leave yourself open to challenge but I think it is being able to get involved is probably the key.

Scott Alliy: Having that vision, keeping those eyes open, I have very poor eyesight but I have perfect vision and I think each of us should develop good vision because then we can see and be aware of what is going on around us and that is the first step in making a difference in society is understanding what is right and what is wrong and just what is going on and how your talents and your energies can be used to rectify as much as possible and need be.

Ralph Zuranski: What are the things parents can do that will help their children realize they too can be HEROES and make a positive impact on the lives of others?

Scott Alliy: I think there are two things; the first one is that they need to live to be honorable.  That is paramount that they set that example.  I think the second one is that they can engage their children in confidence building activities and at the same time still challenging their children so they can help their children avoid needless humiliation or insult.

Scott Alliy:  For example, the father who wants his son to live his for gone youth, to be the baseball star that he never was and to recognize that this is or isn’t this child’s talent and take the time to find out what is for that particular boy or girl and to involve them in those activities that are known to be confidence building and I think that is the key.

Scott Alliy: It is important as well that they invest a lot of time in their kids.  Not just time in the sense of minutes and hours but analytical time in real concentrated effort in really doing what is best for the child and not necessarily for themselves.

Scott Alliy: They must have the willingness to get involved.  I am convinced as having let home at fifteen years old, I am absolutely convinced that it is in those times of caring and the interest that family I told you about showed, but more importantly to show me the beacon, to show me the way, to show me where the middle of the road was, I am absolutely convinced that it was knowing where the middle of the road was that gave me the opportunity to come back to the middle of the road and be able to live favorably in society.

Scott Alliy: I had to leave the town I was in because people in small towns begin to get a depiction of yourself and I go back there today and it is almost comical and the respect that I have is very rewarding but again I give thanks and praise not only to God but to the people who took the time to believe in me and to know that the physical person that was standing in front of them was not the person that could or would be if they had just get back to the middle of the road.