Defense Of “Be A Man” Video By Father Larry Richards Part 10


This is a defense of our Catholic faith that is taking place on our Catholic Brothers For Christ Youtube account where we posted the videos from the 2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference. Father Larry Richards’ “Be A Man” video seems to be causing quite a bit of controversy.

25EllisDee25 response to +Catholic Brothers For Christ: to focus on the catholic church is disingenuous? the catholic church, the pope, the vatican, and the entire organization has been covering up these crimes for centuries! why would you even want to be associated with such a rotten,
corrupt, and filthy organization?? it should sicken and repulse you what the catholic church has done or has not done to protect the children…the popes KNEW for years before this issue ever came out in the public eye, and they did nothing but play musical chairs to hide the problem. This is wrong.. This is evil. Its fucking sinful. You know how when god decided he would overlook the thou shall not kill thing and decided to do away with the canaanites because they were a lost cause because of all the sin? don’t you think he might just bring back moses from the dead and send him and his merry bunch of genocidal maniacs to give the roman catholics the same treatment because they are equally as messed up? do you think he spared the handful of decent ones? hell no, tough beans for them, guilt by association. well, that will be YOUR fate when and if the time comes. have you ever stopped to consider just how pissed off the big boss will be when he returns and sees how you and your buddies have been keeping his house shipshape? if i were you, i would be putting a lot of distance between them and me. well??

+Catholic Brothers For Christ response t+25EllisDee25The major reasons I am a Catholic are:
1. To experience the true forgiveness for my sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation
2. The reception of the True Body and Blood of Jesus through receiving the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
3. The participation in the Holy Mass where I have the opportunity to worship the Holy Trinity
4. The amazing opportunity to spend time with a God that created and loves me through Eucharistic Adoration

The good news is that even the most sinful priest or bishop still has the ability, through the power of God, to transform the bread and wine into the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. God always honors the mystery of transubstantiation at Mass, no matter what priest presides over the miraculous event, despite his sinfulness.

I am experiencing eternity in this reality when I participate in these events. I anticipate a glorious future for all eternity and am thrilled at God’s promises.

Now, let me discuss the sickness and sin in the Catholic Church that has existed from the beginning of time, starting with Adam and Eve . The Church is made up of sinful individuals.

A close look at the old testament shows that almost all the individuals suffered from fatal flaws. Many of the leaders were downright despicable. Why do you think God wanted all the sinfulness exposed in the Bible?

Jesus came to save sinners. He ate, drank and spent time with those who needed a physical, emotional and spiritual physician. He healed the sick and cast out numerous demons. The most poor, sick and disadvantaged in the world loved Him as much as He loved them.

The religious and political leaders hated Jesus and His message of love, forgiveness and holiness. They scourged, beat, abused, denigrated, tortured and hung Him on the cross. He experienced the most painful death in history as a sacrifice for our sins. He paid the price so we could have a loving relationship with Him and His Father.

Nothing really has changed throughout history. Every bureaucracy is filled with the types of individuals you excoriate in the Catholic Church.

What are you thinking…that the Catholic Church is any different than other churches or organizations? Of course some of the most despicable people are in the Catholic Church at all levels. Satan knows if he can destroy the leadership of the Church he wins.

And yes, you are correct about God judging the Catholic Church. When the pedophile problem was exposed to the world, it was God’s judgement on the evil and corrupt parts of the Church that focused on hiding their sins and lust for material possessions, power, pleasure and personal comfort.

The law suits and legal settlements have humbled and impoverished many Catholic dioceses. Why do you think Pope Francis excoriated so many of the Church leaders in the Vatican and world-wide. He is doing his best to reform the Church and expunge the guilty and corrupt. They need to repent and return to the true mission of Jesus Christ…minister to the poor, sick and hungry.

Yes, many in leadership are guilty of sin in so many ways, specifically acts of omission, liberalism and political correctness. There definitely should be consequences for sinful acts that are against the laws of any country that cannot be overlooked. Each criminal deserves to experience the full weight of the law and just punishment.

If they did not repent, for those who died, or do not repent for those still living, they to will be punished in hell for eternity. They will experience forever the most unimaginable sufferings for harming even one hair of an innocent child.

Fortunately, God promises He will protect His Church. The Catholic Church has over come tremendous challenges from within and without over the centuries. It will prevail no matter what the world throws at it.

God is the protector of the Body of Christ. The gates of hell will not prevail against it. The awesome news is that He forgives the worst sinners if they truly repent. There hope for both of us.